Mentor Spotlight: Nikki DeLeon Martin

Take a minute to get to know WLI mentor, Nikki DeLeon Martin, by reading the Q&A below!

Please share a few of your favorite things you have learned in the class sessions.

In every class I have taken with Rabbi Elana Kanter and our instructor Kerri Robbins, I have learned so much. Along with professional topics such as goal-setting and follow through and change management, the program also develops a deeper understanding of Torah and the lessons we can harvest to apply to all areas of life. Rabbi Elana’s application of Lech L’cha to taking initiative in our own lives and progressing in our mindset and knowledge has stayed with me for many years.

How have you stayed involved with WLI since your year ended?

By participating in alumni events, volunteering for the learning center when possible, and now serving as a mentor.

What is your occupation and have you been able to apply what you learned in WLI to your job?

I serve in the C-suite of a large nonprofit in Arizona and the program has helped me to keep a mentor/mentee mindset that prioritizes learning and growth in oversight of a large team of talented professionals who I can teach and who can teach me, and to seek wisdom in non-traditional places to improve in my performance at work (and life).

Please tell us more about yourself, your family and/or your involvement in the Jewish community.

My husband and I just celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary this year. We are an interfaith couple who belong to Temple Kol Ami, where I have the privilege of serving on the Board of Trustees.

In your spare time what are some hobbies or activities you like to do? (and/or share some fun facts about yourself)

In addition to career and volunteering, I am a fiction writer, who recently earned my MFA degree in Fiction and Literature. In addition, I am a playwright whose work has been performed at festivals throughout the Valley. Scott and I and our very loud beagles live in Central Phoenix and love to travel, mostly recently to Coastal Maine and the French Riviera. (Actually, that was just me and Scott—we left the beagles at home.)